Choosing Your Dinner Party Music

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Certainly, people make choices everyday about what radio station they listen to or music track to play. But there is nothing like the painstaking planning for a dinner party to make one assess the tiniest details of décor, table setting, food, personal appearance and, of course, music – which may make or break your dinner party.
When you plan to host a dinner party, be it a wedding reception or an after event stint, it is also essential to have a good programming of your soundtrack for that occasion.

Read more: Choosing Your Dinner Party Music

Enjoying and Making a Living with Music

Let’s face it. Musicians are oftentimes torn between developing the musical career and providing for the family or even just for one’s own living expenses. Before you get frustrated to turn in and give up your passion to accept a non-musical job in order to just “get by,” scan through some of these music careers.

Musicians who hold these jobs find creative ways to manifest their passions. According to Abby White and Marie Wakefield, experts on musical careers, it is possible to have a “real job” with music. Here are some of the lucrative music careers.

Read more: Enjoying and Making a Living with Music

Acoustic Guitar Recording Tips

What makes an acoustic guitar a wonderful instrument is that it produces so many sounds from a single source. Capturing all of those sounds and nuances effectively in a recording is the challenge.

The most obvious way to capture an acoustic guitar's sound in different ways is to use more than one microphone at the same time and record them onto separate tracks. An entirely different result can be achieved by using another technique.
Read more: Acoustic Guitar Recording Tips