Many children would like to learn to play the electric guitar. However, often their parents won't allow them to because the find the cost of the instruments quite prohibitive. For those whose budgets are limited it is worth considering purchasing a used children's electric guitar instead.
In this article we provide a number of tips that may prove useful when purchasing a used electric guitar for your child.
In this article we provide a number of tips that may prove useful when purchasing a used electric guitar for your child.
1. It is important that you inspect the instrument very carefully before you make that all important purchase. Especially make sure that your check that the neck of the instrument is not twisted. The easiest way to do this is by inspecting the strings to see how close they are tied to the fret board. If they are tied closely to the fret board and have a wide gap in the middle this clearly shows that the neck is warped. When the guitar is warped playing it becomes a lot more difficult as the positioning of the hand on the strings is hard.
2. Along with checking to see if the neck of the electric guitar is twisted look at the main body of the instrument front and back. Although most guitars will have a few scratches on them this is fine but if they go deep into the instrument or you notice some large marks on around the edges this shows the instrument has not been cared for properly. Unfortunately the sound such instruments produce won't be as clear as it should be.
3. Also when buying a used electric guitar check to see if it can be plugged into an amplifier and if so what sort is required. An amplifier is needed with this instrument in order that when played it produces good quality chords.